Cyber Attack Simulation
A digital twin to discover vulnerabilities and all possible attack scenarios in a preventive perspective, without compromising your production infrastructure. ReeVo's Cyber Attack Simulation solution is this and much more.

Lots of potential attack scenarios
Preventing a cyber attack means knowing in advance all the possible paths and vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit to penetrate the organisation's systems.
However, doing so requires repeated analysis of the network and the devices connected to it, as well as maintaining a detailed and up-to-date overview of the company's systems, all components and logical relationships between assets, and connections to cloud systems.
Digital Twin to improve cyber security
With ReeVo there is a way to completely satisfy all these needs, with the Cyber Attack Simulation service.
This service creates a Digital Twin of the infrastructure and, having assessed its vulnerabilities, simulates millions of attacks on it, calculating all possible attack paths that can be exploited by an attacker.
The benefits of Cyber Attack Simulation for your company
Operating on infrastructure modelling, ReeVo does not replicate production system resources (virtual machines, storage, networks).
Continuous penetration testing activities operating on the Digital Twin never touch production systems, without causing impacts on the normal operations of companies. This makes ReeVo's service essential for example for attack prevention in all IOT and OT contexts, where 'processes' must be protected, but without ever causing disruptions.
Being entirely delivered in ReeVo's cloud, the service itself has no invasiveness into corporate systems. If you are planning changes to your systems or any of its components, the ReeVo service allows you to simulate different WHAT-IF scenarios and Zero-Day vulnerability simulations, to assess any cyber risks associated with these changes in advance and eliminate threats in advance.
Certifications of services
Start defending yourself right away
The platform uses predictive technologies and automatically imports assets, vulnerabilities, firewall and routing configurations, and connections to the cloud, including all relational/logical information between assets. Any changes to the infrastructure, planned or already made, are easily reflected in the model, which is always quick and easy to update.
ReeVo applies the Swiss Cheese model in risk management, which compares systems to slices of Swiss cheese: each 'hole' represents a potential attack path. Acting on one of these holes can block or prevent an attack path, securing the infrastructure against intrusion.
Since fixing identified vulnerabilities is a long and complex process, an enormous advantage of the ReeVo service is that out of thousands of identified vulnerabilities, we will be able to intervene in a priority manner on those that can really be used by an attacker.
It is scientifically proven that by using the ReeVo service, the number of vulnerabilities that need to be remediated to ensure effective prevention of one's own systems can be limited to 5%. Once remediated, the cyber risk is reduced to a minimum acceptable level.

Discover in advance all attack paths that put you at risk: your new defence starts here
Some of our cases
The answer you are looking for to the most common use cases, our vertical specialisations and services on platforms certified by leading vendors.
Etica SGR
Etica Sgr, a company of the Banca Etica Group, is currently the only Italian asset management company to exclusively establish and promote sustainable and responsible (SRI) mutual funds. Etica Sgr has chosen ReeVo for its cloud projects.

Iperius Backup
Enter s.r.l. an Italian software house engaged in application development on multiple Assets, from assisting SMEs in digitising processes, to the international market with the Iperius project. A suite of products dedicated to safeguarding one's data. The suite includes: Iperius Backup, Iperius Remote, Iperius Console, Iperius Storage. The collaboration with ReeVo is centered around the Cloud Storage service.

Mail Boxes Etc.
Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is one of the world's largest networks of franchise shops in the field of postal, communication and business support services for companies and individuals. MBE chose ReeVo for its cloud project.

Sistemi Cuneo
Sistemi Cuneo wants to be, for its customers, the IT solutions provider with a deep vision of the market, IT technology and the ability to create a winning team, to face the market of the future. Guaranteeing quality and continuity in the relationship with Customers. The collaboration with ReeVo focused on Cloud IaaS services.
