Phishing Simulation
Phishing is not to be underestimated. Besides being a problem in itself, it can also be the first step in a more structured and evolved attack campaign.
That's why raising the security level on social engineering issues is always a good idea.

What is Phishing Simulation Service
ReeVo allows you to conduct recurring phishing simulation campaigns to understand various criticalities in your users' use of e-mail.
With ReeVo's service you can run either generalist campaigns, to see if people are paying attention and not clicking on malicious links, or campaigns specific to your company or portal.
Getting started is easy: you decide on the domains and target boxes of the campaign, together we determine the messages to be used, configure ourselves to send emails from your domain and start collecting data, which we will analyse with you on a monthly basis.
The advantages ReeVo offers you
ReeVo offers you integrated management that enhances your security posture. If, by running a phishing simulation, we discover anomalies or risk indicators, we use this information to improve both the evidence gathered by the security systems and, above all, your overall security posture.
The aim is to verify the response of users, either yours or those of third parties you work with. Our Cyber Threat Intelligence analysis uses historical data of breaches or users most likely to be breached and enriches the knowledge base generated with the anti-phishing campaign.
With ReeVo you not only get advanced reporting on phishing simulation campaigns, but you have objective data that can allow you to effectively tune the anti-spam solution you are using.

Test your users' cyber awareness
Certifications of services
Some of our cases
The answer you are looking for to the most common use cases, our vertical specialisations and services on platforms certified by leading vendors.
Etica SGR
Etica Sgr, a company of the Banca Etica Group, is currently the only Italian asset management company to exclusively establish and promote sustainable and responsible (SRI) mutual funds. Etica Sgr has chosen ReeVo for its cloud projects.

Iperius Backup
Enter s.r.l. an Italian software house engaged in application development on multiple Assets, from assisting SMEs in digitising processes, to the international market with the Iperius project. A suite of products dedicated to safeguarding one's data. The suite includes: Iperius Backup, Iperius Remote, Iperius Console, Iperius Storage. The collaboration with ReeVo is centered around the Cloud Storage service.

Mail Boxes Etc.
Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is one of the world's largest networks of franchise shops in the field of postal, communication and business support services for companies and individuals. MBE chose ReeVo for its cloud project.

Sistemi Cuneo
Sistemi Cuneo wants to be, for its customers, the IT solutions provider with a deep vision of the market, IT technology and the ability to create a winning team, to face the market of the future. Guaranteeing quality and continuity in the relationship with Customers. The collaboration with ReeVo focused on Cloud IaaS services.
