Log Archiving
The logs produced by an information system's technologies are essential for identifying malfunctions or user behaviour and cyber threats.

Maximum Security and Compliance Guaranteed
Together with the real-time monitoring and analysis of security events, log archiving is therefore an activity at the heart of any cyber security system.
In addition, it is driven by audit and compliance motives, e.g. the accountability principle (para. 2, Art. 5) of the GDPR or the 'System Administrators' Provision' (published in OJ No. 300 of 24 December 2008).
Are you an MSP and want to start offering archiving services? Are you an end user and looking for a solution to collect logs from all your systems, save them and store them according to legal requirements?
You will find valuable information here!
What is ReeVo Log Archiving Service
It allows you to collect your logs from all your sources and save them consistently and unalterably in the ReeVo cloud.
Our expertise in data protection and IT security make log archiving a robust service you can always rely on.
The advantages ReeVo offers you
ReeVo allows you to have 'predictable' costs independent of the volume of data managed. This is advantageous since the logs can be many and of considerable size.
The service is managed by the ReeVo cloud, again with full data sovereignty.
ReeVo includes W.O.R.M (write once read many) data protection by default. This is very important both because of the nature of the logs themselves, and because in the event of cyber attacks one of the first actions is to delete the logs. Unalterable storage on external systems makes this action impossible.
ReeVo only delivers services from Data Center RATING 4/ANSI-TIA 942 with an uptime of 99.995%.
We offer you local support with native speakers to ensure that even the most complex situations can be dealt with.
You don't have to worry about configuring space and resources to historise your logs, or how much they can grow.
With ReeVo, scaling up from an initial log archiving service to a SIEM system is a complexity-free, transparent and straightforward action.
Certifications of services
Archive your logs with ReeVo
Do you want to start on the path to an extended cyber prevention and defence service or simply store your logs for compliance and audit purposes?
Choose simplicity! ReeVo offers you a convenient service to collect and store your logs in a regulatory compliant manner, with data sovereignty and maximum levels of availability.
Transparently and easily scale up to ReeVo's SIEM and SOC services.

Store your logs securely
Some of our cases
The answer you are looking for to the most common use cases, our vertical specialisations and services on platforms certified by leading vendors.
Etica SGR
Etica Sgr, a company of the Banca Etica Group, is currently the only Italian asset management company to exclusively establish and promote sustainable and responsible (SRI) mutual funds. Etica Sgr has chosen ReeVo for its cloud projects.

Iperius Backup
Enter s.r.l. an Italian software house engaged in application development on multiple Assets, from assisting SMEs in digitising processes, to the international market with the Iperius project. A suite of products dedicated to safeguarding one's data. The suite includes: Iperius Backup, Iperius Remote, Iperius Console, Iperius Storage. The collaboration with ReeVo is centered around the Cloud Storage service.

Mail Boxes Etc.
Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is one of the world's largest networks of franchise shops in the field of postal, communication and business support services for companies and individuals. MBE chose ReeVo for its cloud project.

Sistemi Cuneo
Sistemi Cuneo wants to be, for its customers, the IT solutions provider with a deep vision of the market, IT technology and the ability to create a winning team, to face the market of the future. Guaranteeing quality and continuity in the relationship with Customers. The collaboration with ReeVo focused on Cloud IaaS services.
